Vehicle Simulation Laboratory



Journal Publications

A Robust State Estimation Scheme for Practical Problems In Aircraft System
Identification: Application to Flight Path Reconstruction
Moszczynski, G.J., Grant, P.R., and Myrand-Lapierre, V.
Submitted: AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 2025.

Improving Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems with Time Delays using Model
Mediated Predictor
Teng, T., and Grant, P.R.
In Preparation: 2025.

Adaptive Model Mediated Predictor for Improving RPAS Teleoperation Subjected
to Atmospheric Turbulence and Large Time Delay
Teng, T., and Grant, P.R
In Preparation: 2025.

An Observability Based State Estimation Scheme for Flight Path Reconstrunction In
the Absence of Vane Measurements
Moszczynski, G.J., Grant, P.R., and Myrand-Lapierre, V.
In Preparation: 2025.

A Novel Robust Estimation Scheme for Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation
Applications Using a Set of Multiple Flight Tests
Moszczynski, G.J., and Grant, P.R.
In Preparation: 2025.

Quantifying the Impact of Motions on Human Aiming Performance: Evidence from
Eye Tracking and Bio-Signals
Authors: Li, Y., Li, X., Grant, P.R., and Zheng, B.
Sensors, 24(5):1518, February 2024.

Vehicle Modeling Additions for Off-Axis Improvements in a Real-Time Helicopter
Haycock, B.C., and Grant P.R.
Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Volume 60, Number 4, pp. 1-12(12), October 2015.

Human Discrimination of Translational Accelerations
Naseri, A.R., and Grant, P.R.
Experimental Brain Research 218, 455–464, February 2012.

Effect of Jerk and Acceleration on the Perception of Motion Strength
Haycock, B., and Grant, P.R.
Journal of Aircraft, Volume 45, Number 4, 1190-1197, May 2008.

Motion-Visual Phase-Error Detection in a Flight Simulator
Grant, P.R., and Lee, P.T.S.
Journal of Aircraft, Volume 44, Number 3, 927-935, May 2007.

Effect of Simulator Motion on Pilot Behavior and Perception
Grant, P.R., Yam, B., Hosman, R., and Schroeder, J.
Journal of Aircraft, Volume 43, Number 6, 1914-1924, November 2006.

Analysing Classes of Motion Drive Algorithms Based on Paired Comparison
Grant, P.R., Blommer, M., Cathey, L., Artz, B., and Greenberg, J.A.
Vehicle System Dynamics, 47(9), 1075–1093, November 2003.

Driver Distraction: Evaluation with Event Detection Paradigm
Greenberg, J.A., Tijerina, L., Curry, R., Artz, A., Cathey, L., Kochhar, D., Kozak, K., Blommer,
M., and Grant, P.R.
Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1843(1), 1-9, January 2003.

PROTEST: An Expert System for Tuning Simulator Washout Filters
Grant, P.R., and Reid, L.
Journal of Aircraft, Volume 34, Number 2, 152-159, March 1997.

Motion Washout Filter Tuning: Rules and Requirements
Grant, P.R., and Reid, L.
Published: Journal of Aircraft, Volume 34, Number 2, 145-151, March 1997.

Examination of Drivers’ Collision Avoidance Behavior Using Conventional and
Antilock Brake Systems on the Iowa Driving Simulator
McGehee, D.V., Mazzae, E.N., Baldwin, G.H.S., Grant, P.R., Simmons, C.J., Hankey, J., and
Forkenbrock, G.
U.S. Department of Transportation: National Highway Tra!c Safety Administration, June 1999.

Conference Publications