Propulsion & Energy Conversion Laboratory
Journal Publications
Journal papers:
- Yuvraj, H. Im, and Chaudhuri, “How "mixing" affects propagation and structure of intensely turbulent, lean, hydrogen-air premixed flames,” Accepted for publication in Combustion and Flame,, 2025.
- S. Akojwar, S. A. Pawar, and S. Chaudhuri, “Performance analysis of a self-decarbonizing com- bustor,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, vol. 47, p. 011013, 2025.
- D. Rathod, S. Kumar, S. Chaudhuri, P. Panda, and S. Basu, “Isothermal flow field characterization of a full-scale sector combustor at elevated pressures,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 147, no. 4, 2025.
- S. Singh, R. Bhavi, P. R. Midhun, A. Bhaskarana, P. Mishra, S. Chaudhuri, and R. Sujith, “Inter- mittency transition to azimuthal instability in a turbulent annular combustor,” International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 2024.
- J. Bae, Y. Naderzadeh, P. Vena, and S. Chaudhuri, “Effect of swirler spin on flame shape and combustion dynamics,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 40, p. 105663, 2024.
- S. Akojwar, S. A. Pawar, and S. Chaudhuri, “Mitigating co2 emission of methane based ther- mal power using a self-decarbonizing combustor,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 40, p. 105689, 2024.
- J. Bae, S. Yun, S. Chaudhuri, and P. Canteenwalla, “Combustion characteristics of sustainable aviation fuels at a scaled-down afterburner test rig,” The Aeronautical Journal, vol. 40, p. 1429–1449, 2024.
- S. Singh, A. Roy, J. M. Dhadphale, S. Chaudhuri, and R. Sujith, “Mean-field synchronization model of turbulent thermoacoustic transitions,” AIP Advances, vol. 14, p. 065106, 2024.
- Yuvraj, Y. Naderzadeh, W. Song, , H. G. Im, C. K. Law, and S. Chaudhuri, “On flame speed enhancement in turbulent premixed hydrogen-air flames during local flame-flame interaction,” Com- bustion and Flame, vol. 257, p. 113017, 2023.
- S. Singh, A. Dutta, J. M. Dhadphale, A. Roy, R. I. Sujith, and S. Chaudhuri, “Mean-field model of synchronization for open-loop, swirl controlled thermoacoustic system,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, no. 4, p. 043104, 2023.
- S. Chaudhuri and B. Savard, “Turbulent flame speed based on mass flow rate: theory and DNS,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 252, p. 112735, 2023.
- S. Chaudhuri, P. Kasibhatla, A. Mukherjee, W. Pan, G. Morrison, S. Mishra, and V. K. Murty, “Analysis of overdispersion in airborne transmission of Covid-19,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 34, no. 5, p. 051914, 2022.
- Yuvraj, W. Song, H. Dave, G. Im, and S. Chaudhuri, “Local flame displacement speeds of hydrogen-air premixed flames in moderate to intense turbulence,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 236, p. 111812, 2022.
- S. Bagchi, S. Basu, S. Chaudhuri, and A. Saha, “Penetration and secondary atomization of droplets impacted on wet facemasks,” Physical Review Fluids, vol. 6, no. 11, p. 110510, 2021.
- A. Roy, S. Singh, A. Nair, S. Chaudhuri, and R. Sujith, “Flame dynamics during intermittency and secondary bifurcation to longitudinal thermoacoustic instability in a swirl-stabilized annular combus- tor,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 5171–5180, 2021.
- A. Rasheed, S. Sharma, P. Kabi, A. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “Precipitation dynamics of surrogate respiratory sessile droplets leading to possible fomites,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 600, pp. 1–13, 2021.
- Majee, A. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, D. Chakravortty, and S. Basu, “Two-dimensional mathematical framework for evaporation dynamics of respiratory droplets,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 33, no. 10, 2021.
- S. Chaudhuri, A. Saha, and S. Basu, “An opinion on the multiscale nature of covid-19 type disease spread,” Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 54, 2021.
- S. Singh, A. Roy, K. Reeja, A. Nair, S. Chaudhuri, and R. Sujith, “Intermittency, secondary bifurca- tion and mixed-mode oscillations in a swirl-stabilized annular combustor: Experiments and modeling,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 143, no. 5, 2021.
- S. Sharma, R. Pinto, A. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “On secondary atomization and blockage of surrogate cough droplets in single- and multilayer face masks,” Science Advances, vol. 7, no. 10, 2021.
- P. Kabi, V. Razdan, D. Roy, L. Bansal, S. Sahoo, R. Mukherjee, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “Evaporation-induced alterations in oscillation and flow characteristics of a sessile droplet on a rose- mimetic surface,” Soft Matter, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1487–1496, 2021.
- Z. Liu, V. Unni, S. Chaudhuri, R. Sui, C. Law, and A. Saha, “Self-turbulization in cellularly unstable laminar flames,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 917, 2021.
- Z. Liu, V. Unni, S. Chaudhuri, C. Law, and A. Saha, “Local statistics of laminar expanding flames subjected to darrieus–landau instability,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1993–2000, 2021.
- S. Basu, P. Kabi, S. Chaudhuri, and A. Saha, “Insights on drying and precipitation dynamics of respiratory droplets from the perspective of covid-19,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 32, no. 12, 2020.
- S. Chaudhuri, S. Basu, and A. Saha, “Analyzing the dominant sars-cov-2 transmission routes toward an ab initio disease spread model,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 32, no. 12, 2020.
- S. Kumar, S. Malavalli, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “Spray characteristics and flow topologies of high shear injector at high primary swirl,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 131, 2020.
- S. Chaudhuri, S. Basu, P. Kabi, V. Unni, and A. Saha, “Modeling the role of respiratory droplets in covid-19 type pandemics,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 32, no. 6, 2020.
- G. Ramachandran, A. Dutta, H. Durairaj, and S. Chaudhuri, “On the interaction of swirling flames in a lean premixed combustor,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 142, no. 3, 2020.
- H. Dave and S. Chaudhuri, “Evolution of local flame displacement speeds in turbulence,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 884, 2020.
- A. Dutta, G. Ramachandran, and S. Chaudhuri, “Investigating thermoacoustic instability mitigation dynamics with a kuramoto model for flamelet oscillators,” Physical Review E, vol. 99, no. 3, 2019.
- V. Unni, S. Chaudhuri, and R. Sujith, “Flame blowout: Transition to an absorbing phase,” Chaos, vol. 28, no. 11, 2018.
- P. Kabi, B. Chattopadhyay, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “Evaporation-oscillation driven assembly: Microtailoring the spatial ordering of particles in sessile droplets,” Langmuir, vol. 34, no. 42, pp. 12642–12652, 2018.
- H. Dave, A. Mohan, and S. Chaudhuri, “Genesis and evolution of premixed flames in turbulence,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 196, pp. 386–399, 2018.
- A. Kalbhor, S. Chaudhuri, and L. Chitilappilly, “Autoignition of hydrogen in shear flows,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 30, no. 5, 2018.
- R. Vishwanath, P. Tilak, and S. Chaudhuri, “An experimental study of interacting swirl flows in a model gas turbine combustor,” Experiments in Fluids, vol. 59, no. 3, 2018.
- P. Kabi, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “Micro to nanoscale engineering of surface precipitates using reconfigurable contact lines,” Langmuir, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2109–2120, 2018.
- S. Mahesh, R. Gopakumar, B. Rahul, A. Dutta, S. Mondal, and S. Chaudhuri, “Instability control by actuating the swirler in a lean premixed combustor,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 708–719, 2018.
- J. Singh, R. Vishwanath, S. Chaudhuri, and R. Sujith, “Network structure of turbulent premixed flames,” Chaos, vol. 27, no. 4, 2017.
- S. Chaudhuri, H. Kolla, H. Dave, E. Hawkes, J. Chen, and C. Law, “Flame thickness and conditional scalar dissipation rate in a premixed temporal turbulent reacting jet,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 184, pp. 273–285, 2017.
- H. Uranakara, S. Chaudhuri, and K. Lakshmisha, “On the extinction of igniting kernels in near- isotropic turbulence,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1793–1800, 2017.
- P. Kabi, S. Chaudhuri, and S. Basu, “Insights into drying of noncircular sessile nanofluid droplets toward multiscale surface patterning using a wall-less confinement architecture,” Langmuir, vol. 32, no. 42, pp. 10977–10986, 2016.
- H. Im, P. Arias, S. Chaudhuri, and H. Uranakara, “Direct numerical simulations of statistically stationary turbulent premixed flames,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 188, no. 8, pp. 1182– 1198, 2016.
- R. Gopakumar, S. Mondal, R. Paul, M. S., and S. Chaudhuri, “Mitigating instability by actuating the swirler in a combustor,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 165, pp. 361–363, 2016.
- A. Sanyal, S. Basu, and S. Chaudhuri, “Controlling particle deposit morphologies in drying nano- particle laden sessile droplets using substrate oscillations,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, no. 21, pp. 14549–14560, 2016.
- H. Uranakara H., S. Chaudhuri, H. Dave, P. Arias, and H. Im, “A flame particle tracking analysis of turbulence-chemistry interaction in hydrogen-air premixed flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 163, pp. 220–240, 2016.
- S. Chaudhuri, “Pair dispersion of turbulent premixed flame elements,” Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 91, no. 2, 2015.
- P. Kabi, S. Basu, A. Sanyal, and S. Chaudhuri, “Precision stacking of nanoparticle laden sessile droplets to control solute deposit morphology,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, no. 6, 2015.
- A. Sanyal, S. Basu, and S. Chaudhuri, “Agglomeration front dynamics: Drying in sessile nano-particle laden droplets,” Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 123, pp. 164–169, 2015.
- F. Wu, A. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, and C. Law, “Propagation speeds of expanding turbulent flames of c4 to c8 n-alkanes at elevated pressures: Experimental determination, fuel similarity, and stretch-affected local extinction,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 1501–1508, 2015.
- S. Chaudhuri, A. Saha, and C. Law, “On flame-turbulence interaction in constant-pressure expanding flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 1331–1339, 2015.
- S. Chaudhuri, “Life of flame particles embedded in premixed flames interacting with near isotropic turbulence,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 1305–1312, 2015.
- P. Kabi, S. Basu, and S. Chaudhuri, “Deployment strategy for controlled morphologies in sessile, mixed colloidal droplets,” RSC Advances, vol. 5, no. 109, pp. 89586–89593, 2015.
- F. Wu, A. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, and C. Law, “Facilitated ignition in turbulence through differential diffusion,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, no. 2, 2014.
- A. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, and C. Law, “Flame surface statistics of constant-pressure turbulent expand- ing premixed flames,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 26, no. 4, 2014.
- A. Sanyal, S. Basu, S. Chowdhuri, P. Kabi, and S. Chaudhuri, “Precision control of drying using rhythmic dancing of sessile nanoparticle laden droplets,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, no. 16, 2014.
- S. Chaudhuri, F. Wu, and C. Law, “Scaling of turbulent flame speed for expanding flames with mark- stein diffusion considerations,” Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 88, no. 3, 2013.
- S. Tuttle, S. Chaudhuri, K. Kopp-Vaughan, T. Jensen, B. Cetegen, M. Renfro, and J. Cohen, “Lean blowoff behavior of asymmetrically-fueled bluff body-stabilized flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 160, no. 9, pp. 1677–1692, 2013.
- V. Akkerman, S. Chaudhuri, and C. Law, “Accelerative propagation and explosion triggering by expanding turbulent premixed flames,” Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 87, no. 2, 2013.
- S. Yoo, S. Chaudhuri, K. Sacksteder, P. Zhang, D. Zhu, and C. Law, “Response of spherical dif- fusion flames subjected to rotation: Microgravity experimentation and computational simulation,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 665–672, 2012.
- S. Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, M. Renfro, and B. Cetegen, “Blowoff mechanism of harmonically forced bluff body stabilized turbulent premixed flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 638–640, 2012.
- S. Chaudhuri, F. Wu, D. Zhu, and C. Law, “Flame speed and self-similar propagation of expanding turbulent premixed flames,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, no. 4, 2012.
- S. Tuttle, S. Chaudhuri, S. Kostka Jr., K. Kopp-Vaughan, T. Jensen, B. Cetegen, and M. Renfro, “Time-resolved blowoff transition measurements for two-dimensional bluff body-stabilized flames in vitiated flow,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 159, no. 1, pp. 291–305, 2012.
- S. Chaudhuri, V. Akkerman, and C. Law, “Spectral formulation of turbulent flame speed with con- sideration of hydrodynamic instability,” Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 84, no. 2, 2011.
- S. Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, S. Tuttle, M. Renfro, and B. Cetegen, “Blowoff mechanism of two dimen- sional bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flames in a prototypical combustor,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 158, no. 7, pp. 1358–1371, 2011.
- K. Saha, S. Chaudhuri, and B. Cetegen, “Modeling of ceramic particle heating and melting in a microwave plasma,” Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 133, no. 3, 2011.
- S. Patel, S. Chaudhuri, and M. Pikal, “Choked flow and importance of mach i in freeze-drying process design,” Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 65, no. 21, pp. 5716–5727, 2010.
- S. Chaudhuri, S. Kostka, M. Renfro, and B. Cetegen, “Blowoff dynamics of bluff body stabilized turbulent premixed flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 157, no. 4, pp. 790–802, 2010.
- S. Chaudhuri and B. Cetegen, “Blowoff characteristics of bluff-body stabilized conical premixed flames in a duct with upstream spatial mixture gradients and velocity oscillations,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 181, no. 4, pp. 555–569, 2009.
- S. Chaudhuri, A. Mukhopadhyay, M. Biswas, B. Cetegen, and S. Basu, “Control of combustion in a thermally stabilized burner,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, vol. 223, no. 2, pp. 127–139, 2009.
- S. Chaudhuri and B. Cetegen, “Response dynamics of bluff-body stabilized conical premixed turbulent flames with spatial mixture gradients,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 156, no. 3, pp. 706–720, 2009.
- S. Chaudhuri and B. Cetegen, “Blowoff characteristics of bluff-body stabilized conical premixed flames with upstream spatial mixture gradients and velocity oscillations,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 153, no. 4, pp. 616–633, 2008.
Edited Books
Book Chapters