Propulsion & Energy Conversion Laboratory


We anticipate that there will be available positions (PhD/MASc) for exceptionally motivated students with impressive academic backgrounds in the upcoming admission cycle. Prospective candidates who are interested should acquaint themselves with the research work conducted by our group at, familiarize themselves with the admission process at UTIAS, and reach out to Professor Chaudhuri by email, providing a comprehensive CV.

In particular, prospective students interested in either of the following two experimental projects are encouraged to apply.

1. Micromix based turbulent combustion of hydrogen for next generation power and propulsion (in partnership with Siemens, McGill, UPoly, NRC)

2. Droplet and ice nucleation in a lab-scale contrail (in partnership with Pratt & Whitney Canada and NRC)

Both projects involve laser based diagnostics and development of predictive tools using physics and machine learning.