Propulsion & Energy Conversion Laboratory
Invited Talks
- Blowoff Mechanism and Forced Response of Bluff Body Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flames, Princeton University, Princeton, USA, August 2009
- Dynamics and Diagnostics of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization, Göttingen, Germany, November 2009
- Propagation and Stabilization of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Imperial College London, December 2011
- Two Problems in Turbulent Combustion: Flame Propagation and Stabilization, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, January 2012.
- A Brief Journey with Turbulent Reacting Flows, Jadavpur University, July 2013.
- Two Problems in Turbulent Combustion: Flame Propagation and Stabilization, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, July 2013.
- Turbulent Combustion: Flame Speed and Flame Blowoff, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, ISRO, July 2013.
- Turbulent Combustion: Flame Propagation and Stabilization, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc, November, 2013
- Blowoff Dynamics and its Measurements, TANGO (Thermo-acoustic and Aero-acoustic nonlinearities in green combustors with orifice structures) Workshop, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, February 2014
- Two Problems in Turbulent Combustion: Experiments and DNS, Prof. P. J. Paul Memorial Meet at Jain University, February 2014
- Turbulent Combustion at NCCRD, IISc, Pan India Combustion Workshop IITM, March 2014
- Local and Global Viewpoints in Turbulent Combustion: Turbulent Flame Speed and Flame Particle Tracking, International Workshop on Sustainable Energy Power and Propulsion, organized by Jadavpur University, IITK, University of Maryland, University of Illinois and Chicago, January 2015
- Lagrangian Viewpoint of Turbulent Premixed Combustion, 2nd P. J. Paul Memorial Meet, at Mahabalipuram, January 2015.
- Local and Global Viewpoints in Turbulent Combustion, IISc Astrophysics Seminar, August 2015.
- Lagrangian Investigations of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Complex System Approach to Self-Organization, 2016, IIT Madras. February 2016.
- Mitigating Instability by Actuating the Swirler in a Combustor. Prof. P. J. Paul Memorial Meet at VSSC, Trivandrum, February 2016.
- Dispersion, Propagation and Extinction of Flame Elements in Turbulence, International Discussion Meeting on Chemical Kinetics for Aerospace Applications, IISc, December 2016
- Genesis and Evolution of Premixed Flames in Turbulence, 4th PJ Paul Memorial Meet. DRDL Hyderabad, February 2018
- Genesis, Evolution and Annihilation of Premixed Flames in Turbulence, KAUST Research Conference on Combustion in Extreme Environments, March 2018.
- Turbulent Combustion Dynamics in Aero Engine Combustors, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, March 2018.
- Genesis, Evolution and Annihilation of Premixed Flames in Turbulence, Taiwan Annual National Conference on Energy and Combustion, April 2018.
- Autoignition of Hydrogen in Shear Flows, ASeT 2018: Future Directions in Propulsion Conference at LPSC ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, May 2018.
- Evolution of Flame Speeds in Turbulence at Different Pressures, International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Sendai, Japan, November 2018.
- How Swirl Flames Interact in a Multi Nozzle Model Gas Turbine Combustion, International Workshop on Energy Power and Environment, Kurukshetra, March 2019.
- Analyzing the dominant SARS-CoV-2 transmission routes towards an ab initio disease spread model, Complex Fluids Conference, IIT Bombay, December 2020.
- Constructing a disease spread model from the flow physics of infectious droplets and aerosols, The Fields Institute, Toronto, February 2021.
- Constructing an ab-initio disease spread model to decipher Covid-19 type pandemics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, February 2021.
- Genesis and Evolution of Premixed Flames in Turbulence, Pratt and Whitney Canada, March 2021.
- Propagation and Structure of Premixed Flames in Turbulence, Guest Lecture at Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Graduate Course in Combustion, March 2021.
- Estimating Overdispersion from Turbulent Diffusion of Infectious Aerosols, Ontario Science Table, June 2021
- Analyzing Overdispersion from Turbulent Diffusion of Infectious Aerosols, Modeling Consensus Table, June 2021
- Local Structure and Propagation of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Pratt and Whitney Canada, July 2021
- Turbulent Combustion II: Structure and Propagation of Turbulent Flames, Princeton Combustion Institute Summer School 2021.