
Holiday bells over a celebratory sky

Engineering Holiday Gift Guide 2021

December 17, 2021

Solving problems is what engineers do best. Here are the top 10 gift ideas designed by the U of T Engineering alumni and students! 🎁 Engineering Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Snow melting at convocation hall

Changes to final examinations & remote start to Winter Term

December 16, 2021

To our U of T Engineering community You will all have received the message today from Trevor Young, Acting Vice-President and Provost, and Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity and Culture. As they shared, in following guidance from local governments and public health agencies, there will be no more in-person final examinations taking […]

Student flying a drone

Happy Holidays from U of T Engineering!

December 10, 2021

On behalf of U of T Engineering and UTIAS, we want to wish all of our students a Happy Holidays and a fantastic New Year! 🧨 Special thanks to Aerospace engineering and Robotics Institute graduate students Abhishek Goudar, Adam Heins, Sherry Chen and Keenan Burnett for appearing in this video!

Professor Roderick Tennyson

Professor and Director Emeritus Roderick Tennyson (UTIAS) is honoured with the 2021 Engineering Alumni Hall of Distinction Award

November 9, 2021

On November 4, U of T Engineering recognized outstanding members of our community at the 2021 Engineering Alumni Network (EAN) Awards. The virtual awards ceremony celebrated alumni and students for their accomplishments and their contributions to the Skule™ community. “An engineering education from U of T is terrific preparation for […]

Professor Swetaprovo

Professor Swetaprovo Chaudhuri (UTIAS) is a Member of the Ontario COVID-19 Modelling Consensus Table

November 1, 2021

Professor Swetaprovo Chaudhuri (UTIAS) has been invited to the Ontario COVID-19 Modelling Consensus Table to generate estimates around incidence, prevalence, and the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario and its impact on health and the health system. The Ontario COVID-19 Modelling Consensus Table acts as a sister advisory body to the […]

Professor Lavoie

Five U of T Engineering faculty receive Ontario Research Funding to advance transformative research

July 8, 2021

Anyone who lives under a flight path is familiar with the “whishing” and “whooshing” sounds of an aircraft flying above. Professor Philippe Lavoie (UTIAS) is developing technologies to contain this noise to just the immediate area around an airport. Lavoie’s project is among five from U of T Engineering to […]

Zeus the self driving chevrolet car

WinTOR: New partnership will train self-driving cars to handle tough winter conditions

July 7, 2021

Around the world, companies are racing to create fully autonomous vehicles. But according to Professor Steven Waslander (UTIAS), there’s one scenario facing all competitors that hasn’t yet received as much attention as it deserves: winter. “Winter conditions aggravate the remaining challenges in autonomous driving,” says Waslander. “Reduced visibility limits perception performance, and […]

Behrad Vatankhahghadim

Meet UTIAS PhD Grad to watch Behrad Vatankhahghadim

June 29, 2021

With the University’s virtual Convocation ceremony on June 23, 2021 U of T Engineering students mark the end of one journey and the beginning of another. Having enriched the U of T Engineering community as undergraduate and graduate students, they will join our vibrant, global network of Skule™ alumni, where […]

President Gertler

Spring Convocation 2021: A Message From President Gertler

June 17, 2021

University of Toronto President Meric Gertler is congratulating the Class of 2021 and inviting them to tune into the spring virtual convocation ceremony next week. “We’re extremely proud of you,” he said in a video message. “You’ve worked so hard and learned so much inside and outside the classroom. And you’ve crossed the finish line […]

Autodrive car

AutoDrive Challenge™: U of T Engineering places first for the fourth straight year

June 16, 2021

Last night, the aUToronto team — U of T Engineering’s entry into the AutoDrive Challenge™ — placed first in a virtual competition to demonstrate the capabilities of their self-driving electric vehicle, dubbed Zeus. It marks the fourth year in a row that the team has come out on top. The aUToronto team consists of […]