The hardest part was getting started.
U of T Engineering’s aUToronto team, a group of undergraduate and grad students selected to compete in the international Autodrive Challenge™, is heading to its first competition in Yuma, Ariz this April. There they will be judged on their work converting a Chevrolet Bolt EV— which they’ve dubbed Zeus — into a self-driving car.
“Just getting the vehicle interface up and running was one of the most difficult challenges so far,” says Zachary Kroeze (ECE PhD 1T8), aUToronto’s management lead and a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Angela Schoellig (UTIAS), the team’s principal faculty advisor. “We spent the first five months with Zeus trying to design the car to accept our inputs and start moving autonomously.”
aUToronto to compete at international self-driving car competition