AER 1810H MEng Project

Students in the MEng Program may elect to take AER 1810H MEng Project. Every MEng student pursuing an MEng project must identify a faculty supervisor, and the supervisor must agree to supervise the project. While in nearly all cases students are able to identify a faculty supervisor, students are not guaranteed to be able to pursue the MEng Project. It is required that the supervisor be identified prior to registering for AER 1810H. The form specifying the project title must be signed by both the student and the supervisor and submitted to the Graduate Office. The same form must be used for any amendments to the project, and again must be signed by both the student and the supervisor and submitted to the Graduate Office.

The MEng project course is very flexible in its orientation but must have some component of original work done by the student. The MEng project cannot simply be implementing existing ideas or following formulaically some procedure: the student must demonstrate independence of thought and action. The project must be advanced primarily by the effort and initiative of the student. In some cases, the MEng project may focus around experiments, while in others computation or theory may be more significant. The exact requirements of an MEng project are to be decided in discussion between the faculty supervisor and the student. It is not necessary to take AER 1810H to fulfill the requirements for the MEng degree.

The following apply to all MEng projects:

1. It is highly recommended that students approach potential faculty advisors at least four weeks in advance of the beginning of the term during which the project is to be pursued.

2. The topic for an MEng project will be decided between the faculty advisor and the student, and the project will count as a half-credit course. The quantity of work shall be equivalent to a typical graduate course with the expectation that it will be completed in one term. As a rule of thumb this should be approximately 8-12 hours per week for sixteen weeks of term.

3. The project may be extended to two terms on a case-by-case basis, after review and approval by the Associate Director, Graduate Studies, with the condition that the scope of work remains equivalent to one term’s workload. The term in which the MEng project is deemed to be done, for course load restriction calculations, is the term in which it begins.

4. It is expected that the student shall deliver a project report at the end of the project and a significant portion of the course grade will be evaluated based on the report.

5. AER 1810H may be taken only once during the MEng program.


Enrolling into AER1810 MEng Project

After securing a supervisor, students must request enrolment into the MEng Project on Acorn by submitting the MEng Project Supervisor Request Form to the MEng Office. You will not be able to enroll via Acorn.



The project must end such that the grade can be submitted before the grade submission deadline for that session. In order for the report to be marked, it must be submitted well in advance of these dates, especially if you are in your last semester before convocation. The recommended MEng project deadlines for each semester are as follows:

Fall: Third Friday in December

Winter: Third Friday in April

Summer: Third Friday in August